| Since going to 6.0  emacs-24.5p5-gtk2   has randomly and infrequently been non
| responsive and consuming one CPU.

Be very careful with this, you may run out of CPUs and who knows, this
beast can randomly and quite frequently bite from your RAMs and SSDs
... in a non responsive feelings about your screams.

| The only way to stop is a kill -9. This is on a 32 system, and the only thing
| strange I did was to use gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.20.0p1 to stop
the errors on
| emacs initial load

You mean to stop what? Eating all your computer? Ah, I see it, you are
taliking about system 32 type. Yep, well known type, it looks like it
is preffered by emacs.
What again? Emacs called for help on gsettings-desktop-schemas? Bloody
hell! Oh, this is the initial meal, only. Sorry, I mean load. I see it

| Is this a known problem, and if not any ideas on how to track the
problem down.

Well, I don't know about "known problem", but I would try to put some
salt on the remaining CPUs. Who knows, maybe emacs is not for salty

Please, please, do not send your dmesg, 32 syste type is well known
around here. Do not send some commands outputs, emacs is by itself

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