Thu, 17 Nov 2016 00:11:36 -0700 Clint Pachl <>
> You're absolutely right Anton. After rereading what I wrote, I see I got 
> a little out of line.
> Thanks,
> Clint

Hi Clint,

To be fair I am a one strict in course of thought fellow, so I know very
well when and why you're solid with this.  This is right for you, please
also allow me to thank everyone in OpenBSD for providing an upgrade path
as the Time optimisation tool.  I am, therefore, only writing it for me.
I would be glad to read your next posts regarding backup-restore advice.
Yet please allow room for the convergent comb tools to exist gracefully.
What I see as most helpful is troubleshooting, and improving procedures.

Kind regards,

> wrote on 11/16/16 16:47:
> > Tue, 15 Nov 2016 00:29:56 -0700 Clint Pachl <>
> > [...]  
> >> This sounds like someone who is not confident in their backup/restore
> >> procedure, if one even exists. I think you need to worry more about that
> >> than me saving a few megabytes with my upgrade process.  
> > Hi Clint,
> >
> > You need not worry at all.  That is other people's data on their own sites.
> >  
> >> Like I mentioned a couple times in the thread, I have "level 0" dumps;
> >> that's consistency. I would not classify that as "nothing." There is a
> >> reason why restore(8) and ftp(1) are included on bsd.rd.  
> > Whatever..  Nobody cares much about what you have.  We system operators care
> > about the choices, and options the operating system, and tool kits provide..
> >  
> >> Oh yeah, and before you know it your crufty is 2 years old
> >> and full of security vulnerabilities. Thank god your users can still use
> >> it and you don't have to bother them with a recompile.  
> > That is a system policy depending from site to site, you need not police it.
> >  
> >> I thought the philosophy of the project is to move forward for the sake
> >> of proactive security and correctness, not to rely on buggy legacy code
> >> because it's convenient and lazy.  
> > You think too much.  There is no such thing as philosophy of the project and
> > this kind of over-hyped black and white thinking is... obsolete and useless.
> > There are many upgrade and maintain choices, don't try to sell bibles here..
> >
> > Kind regards,
> > Anton

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