On 2016-11-19, Chad Dougherty <c...@acm.org> wrote:
> I've been using OpenBSD since version 2.3 (pmax) and I've never felt 
> like the default motd instills in users the appropriate level of 
> confidence in the system.  "What, I'm just logging in and they're 
> already telling me how to report and fix bugs?  Bummer, man!"
> We can do better.  TREMENDOUSLY better.  motd has been reduced to 
> rubble, believe me.

To even get to the point of reading motd, a new user is going to already need
to have found documentation. Filling 2/3 of an 80x24 terminal at login by 
seems quite a lot especially when a lot of it says many of the same things
mentioned by "help"..

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