I've been using OpenBSD since version 2.3 (pmax) and I've never felt like the default motd instills in users the appropriate level of confidence in the system. "What, I'm just logging in and they're already telling me how to report and fix bugs? Bummer, man!"

We can do better. TREMENDOUSLY better. motd has been reduced to rubble, believe me.

How about something like this instead:
Welcome to OpenBSD: The proactively secure Unix-like operating system.

New users can type "help" for information about using the system.
Documentation is contained in the system manual pages. If you are
unfamiliar with how to read them, type "man man" at a shell prompt
and read the entire thing. Pay specific attention to the "-k" option,
which will permit you to find the man page you are looking for more
easily.  Our developers have spent countless hours improving these
man pages so that they are clear and precise so please read them

Additional information is available in the project web pages:
and particularly the "Frequently Asked Questions" section at:


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