Carsten Kunze wrote:
Gregor Best <> wrote:

I just installed EncFS from ports, the version there is 1.7.4

With some short testing, it looks like it works nicely.

Thank you for this information and the test.
But it should be taken into account that this version is 6 years old, current 
release is 1.9.1.
(It would be great of course if the package maintainer would find the time to 
update the package to a somewhat newer version some day :)


For sharing encrypted data between OpenBSD and Linux, I just use an OpenBSD-based file server and connect to it over NFS (using SSH to secure the connection)

The file server is an old Intel Core-2 box with 4x 1 TB hard drives in a softraid-5 configuration and a pair of 10 GB IDE disks for the OS using hardware RAID. I shut the machine down each night to keep the data safe.

Much simpler configuration than hoping that the disk encryption software stays compatible between builds (EG, the Linux version may upgrade to use some kind of Linux-only technology that can't be adapted to work on OpenBSD) or that the disk encryption software is even secure in the first place.

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