08.01.2017, 02:53, "Peter Rippe" <peter.ri...@gmail.com>:
> I think it absolutely is a language issue:
>>  On policy page it clearly says: "OpenBSD strives to provide code that can
> be freely used, copied, modified, and distributed by anyone and for any
> purpose."
> Operative word being **strives** - might want to look it up.
> It does not say 'guaranteed', 'only', nor 'strictly' - It says they make a 
> good
> effort to provide such, and they certainly do - particularly compared to the
> rest of the OS landscape.

Alright, so lets look the word **strives** up:

Cambridge dictionary:

"to try hard to do something or make something happen, esp. for a long time
or against difficulties"

Macmillan dictionary:

"to make a lot of effort to achieve something"

Oxford dictionary:

"Make great efforts to achieve or obtain something"

Clearly it's NOT a language thing.

OpenBSD does NOT **strive** "to provide code that can be freely used, copied,
modified..". There is no striving being done here, except for the complete
opposite, as Theo himself so plainly put it, they actually **strive** to 
provide the
firmware blobs which cannot be modified in any way.

The fact is that OpenBSD has a MISLEADING policy.

> Nothing is going to change. Go try tugging on emotions elsewhere.

Actually, Theo I'm quite sure you need to change *something*:


But hey.. who gives a shit right?!

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