On 18/01/17 03:46, George wrote:
> Hello.
> Im new here.
> I installed OpenBSD on my laptop. I used anoncvs to download the stable
> sources for kernel, xenocara and ports. I rebuild my kernel,system and
> xenocara and i tried to update various packages to stable.
> I used
> /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/out-of-date
> to get a list of out of date packages. I added that list to dpb with the
> following command
> /usr/ports/infrastructure/bin/dpb -f 20 -U -P PackageList2.txt
> dpb fetches the source code and chooses the packages that can be
> installed or build and then stops. It doesn't build anything or install
> anything.
> I'm sure its something stupid that I cant understand.
> What am i missing?
> Thanks!!!!!
> PS. I also changed /etc/mk.conf by adding
> it doesn't seems to work. It still downloads source code and then build it.

Since you're new on OpenBSD install either the latest stable version (6.0):

or the latest snapshot.


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