On Sun, January 22, 2017 7:19 pm, jungle boogie wrote:
> On 01/22/2017 04:13 PM, trondd wrote:
>> On Sun, January 22, 2017 5:38 pm, jungle boogie wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> So I want to actually use my edge router lite instead of it collecting
>>> dust. At the moment I don't have a way to put my ISP provided
>>> router/modem into bridge mode. It acts as a DHCP server for my devices
>>> and does all gateway stuff. This means it's double NATTed. Not ideal,
>>> but I don't have a choice right now.
>>> Problem is the BBB cannot do anything outside either or
>>>, like curl websites, ping websites, etc.
>>> pfctl is completely disabled on the ERL. What should I look at next to
>>> see how I can get internet to the BBB?
>> First thought, if you have pf disabled on the ERL, then its not doing
>> NAT.
>> Can the ERL get to the internet?

Ok, and did you enable and configure pf on the ERL so it does NAT for BBB?

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