>From what I have read, it appears to be 15 minutes on some systems and
30 minutes on others, and this can be adjusted by the admin without
having to recompile the code.

I'm not saying "you must do everything my way or else", but rather I
am trying to understand the reasoning behind making this hardcoded and
fixed, as opposed to being admin-settable; maybe something is planned
here I am unaware of?
Not saying we need all the bells and whistles of the sudo implementation
(eg. "sudo -v" adding 5 minutes to the timeout) but I can't see any
reason this shouldn't be admin-configurable.

I would like to work on a patch for this, but I want to ensure I don't
duplicate efforts if you have something planned which conflicts with my
patch. That's why I posted in misc@, because I don't have a patch yet.

On Mon, 13 Mar 2017 01:06:51 -0400
"Ted Unangst" <t...@tedunangst.com> wrote:

> The timeout was originally 10 minutes, but changed to 5 after I
> discovered that was the sudo default. I think increasing to 10 is
> reasonable, since it seems likely other people also land in the 5-10
> minute window, and it's not dangerously long.

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