On 18 Mar 2017, at 11:43, Visa Hankala wrote:

On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 10:16:59PM +0100, Oliver Marugg wrote:
Understood about ksyms.

3. I set coremask=0x3 to boot mp, in dmseg only 1 cpu is shown, but its

Are you sure you tried the correct kernel?

Octeon ubnt_e100# bootoctlinux rootdev=sd0 coremask=3

Yes I did several fresh USB installs (INSTALL.octeon-default installation), each step I did in various combinations, also with bsd.mp installed or not. I changed also the mirror and used 2 ERL compatible usb sticks.

bsd.rd boot to intall
fatload usb 0 $loadaddr bsd.rd
bootoctlinux rootdev=rd0 coremask=0x3

I tried with coremask or bootctolinux only (and booted with coremask=0x3 or even 3, both tested).

setenv old_bootcmd "${bootcmd}"
setenv bootcmd 'usb reset; fatload usb 0 $loadaddr bsd; bootoctlinux rootdev=sd0 coremask=0x3'
setenv bootdelay 5

I tried each commands above as single commands as well as setenv as above, I also tried with "fatload usb 0 $loadaddr bsd.mp" then "## No elf image at address 0x09f00000" which sounds clear for me, but could be a variant.

Also did changes after boot: mv/cp bsd.mp to bsd. Tried boot.conf and without. Each combination with/without tested, no success to boot .MP. I read bootconf

Core args will be loaded:
boot_desc->argv[0] = bootoctlinux
boot_desc->argv[1] = rootdev=sd0
boot_desc->argv[2] = coremask=3
Initial setup done, switching console.

Does my Edgerouter Lite have two cores? ;-)


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