On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 04:02:20PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2017-04-21, Craig Skinner <skin...@britvault.co.uk> wrote:
> > Hi Markus,
> >
> > On Fri, 21 Apr 2017 11:25:14 +0200 Markus Rosjat wrote:
> >> so if you have spamd in place in greylisting mode and you have
> >> customers that work with people who use Office365 as a service you
> >> will get calls that emails are delayed for a freaking long time
> >
> > Email is not instant messaging.
> >
> > Customers need educated to that fact.
> How do you educate them to that when they send to their gmail account
> and it shows up on their phone within seconds?
> Sometimes there are delays but there's no reason for that to be the norm.

There's no reason email can't be instant messaging.  Postmasters have
spent decades training users that email just sucks and is necessarily
unreliable.  All they did was corral users toward services where they
don't have to hear the administrators whining about how hard that job

Greylisting is a hack, an abuse of a side-effect.  Most such approaches
have deleterious side effects.  This particular side effect is why I
don't like greylisting in general, even though it's fairly effective.


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