One question
Where did you put that command? I dont want anytime i connect to wifi to
open a terminal and execute that command.

I tried adding to /etc/hostname.iwm0
I put after up iwm0 media autoselect mode 11g

I tried adding it to /etc/hostname.trunk0 after dhcp
but it didnt work.

I also tried it to .xinitrc
doas ifconfig iwm0 media autoselect mode 11g
but it didnt work.

On 05/01/17 01:08, Steve Throckmorton wrote:
>> I also have this issue with AC 3160. What i did as a workaround was to 
>> switch iwm to 802.11g using
>> ifconfig iwm0 media autoselect mode 11g
> Excellent!  That got my wireless interface working without error messages.  
> As far as I haven’t had a single firmware error in two hours.  I haven’t 
> tested the download speed because I don’t have anything to compare it to, but 
> it’s more than sufficient for my purposes.
> Thank you.

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