is great, _AND_ it's Ruby on Rails :)
Win-win. Good luck!


On Sun, May 7, 2017 at 6:24 PM, Paul Suh <> wrote:

> Folks,
> Completely off topic, but I'd value input from this community in
> particular. I need to recommend a (replacement) CMS for the public-facing
> web site for my day job. My wants:
> 1) NOT Wordpress -- I don't need the security headaches.
> 2) Allows updates by users who don't know HTML and for whom Markdown is a
> stretch. (Marketing people.)
> 3) Has commercial support and hosting available -- if it was just me I
> could run almost anything on my own. For my day job, however, I need to
> make sure that the rest of the IT department can still handle things if I
> get hit by a bus.
> 4) Minimal customization -- certainly no custom code or scripting. Again,
> if it was just me..., but it needs to be maintainable down the road.
> The site has very little necessary in the way of server-side processing;
> in fact, a CMS is borderline overkill. A good templating system would
> almost do the trick. A really good templating system that can automatically
> post selected news item links to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. would
> be great. The only problem is that the marketing types can't be trusted
> even with Markdown. :-P
> The site needs to be really flashy and eye-catching for marketing
> purposes, so whatever solution needs to support (or at least not get in the
> way of) the latest & greatest HTML5/CSS/JS. (I know that the crowd here is
> generally going to pooh-pooh that, but it's actually appropriate for
> selling to the target audience. I'm mostly the same way, and have to check
> my first instincts when dealing with this site.)
> I've used Plone in the past, but support seems a little thin these days
> and it's pretty heavyweight for this project.
> I saw the thread about "Creating a blog..." a year ago, but time has
> passed and his use case is significantly different from mine.
> I'm looking for actual, recent experience with a CMS, not "I know a guy
> who used to run..." kinds of things.
> Suggestions?
> --Paul

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