Hello,I would say "to a spamd blacklist called spamd-greytrap"
It seems that spamd-greytrap is a list such as my other blacklist"spamd[74662]: 
x.x.x.1: disconnected after 1885 seconds. lists: spamd-greytrap blackliste"
Thank you for you help

    Le Vendredi 19 mai 2017 9h49, Boudewijn Dijkstra 
<mailinglists.boudew...@indes.com> a écrit :

 Op Thu, 18 May 2017 10:23:40 +0200 schreef Peter N. M. Hansteen  
> On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 06:09:19AM +0000, Mik J wrote:
>> I was reading the man spamd
>> http://man.openbsd.org/spamd
>> Which was saying
>> "When a host that is currently greylisted attempts to send mail to a  
>> spamtrap address, it is blacklisted for 24 hours by adding the host to  
>> the spamd blacklist <spamd-greytrap>. Spamtrap addresses are added to  
>> the /var/db/spamd database with the following spamdb(8) command:"
>> So I'm expecting a spamd-greytrap table
> That does sound like we should look into rephrasing that bit of the man  
> page.
> I'll see if I can come up with suitable wording unless somebody beats me  
> to it.

Every time a pf table is mentioned, it says "pf table" or "table" with the  
name of the table in angle brackets.  In this case it doesn't say "table"  
but "list", but perhaps the name could be between quotes.

--- libexec/spamd/spamd.8      16 Mar 2017 15:16:21 -0000      1.133
+++ libexec/spamd/spamd.8      19 May 2017 07:43:41 -0000
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ spamtrap address,
  it is blacklisted for 24 hours by adding the host to the
  Spamtrap addresses are added to the
  .Pa /var/db/spamd
  database with the following

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