On Sun, 11 Jun 2017 02:32:10 +0300
li...@wrant.com wrote:
> Hi Nicolas,
> Soul of root canal is a half retarded troll, totally lacking any
> character. I can not believe you're still falling for their simply
> elemental tactics..
> There is one absolutely zero diff between my init reply and Nick
> Holland's. Continued further this thread is funny, amusing, and a
> complete time waste.
> For the time being I can say you're all right and correct, but about
> amiss. It is not any question "can they", it is those questions why
> "won't they"..
> OpenBSD has always been and will continue to be, most developer use
> system. Many if not most of us use the system on all machines
> completely dedicated.
> You, Nicolas, can not defend any troll position here.  They can not
> use it.
> Kind regards,
> Anton Lazarov

With a name like SOUL_OF_ROOT_CANAL I wonder what he is trying to
achieve. He's not likely to hurt anyone, but he'll get a lot of
mischievous or sarcastic responses.

As for using OpenBSD as a desktop system: yes it is possible with a bit
of work. Over the years I have created a decent configuration of a basic
desktop using the FVWM in the base. The good thing is that once you
have done the hard work, it seems to survive major updates if you back
up the right config files, sure beats Windows and the registry.

As newer versions of OpenBSD are released, I may tweak the setup if the
new release comes with an interesting feature, or removes a feature, or
allows my configuration to be simpler.

I hope to put Windows to rest by 2020, just as Windows 7 reaches the
end of extended support.

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