
Max Power wrote on Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 07:45:15PM +0200:

> I'm looking for on http://www.openbsd.org but...
> Where Can I find the official documentation about
> the 'minimum system requirements' about OpenBSD?

That varies from architecture to architecture and from time to time,
so there is no official statement.

To provide an example for i386, i ran OpenBSD in production
on 486-SX25 with 16 MB of RAM and 200 MB of HD disk space
several years ago, and less than 100 MB of the disk space were
actually used.

Nowadays, you would probably need at least 486DX, about 64 MB of RAM,
and about 1 GB of HD disk space.

For other architectures, your mileage may vary.

In any case, you need an FPU and an RTC.

That said, your question rarely matters in practice.  For almost
any practical application, what matters is the resource hunger
of the application programs you want to run, not the minimum
requirements of OpenBSD.

You want to run a graphical web browser?  Well, don't try that
with 64 MB of RAM and 1 GB of disk.


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