
I have some cwm questions for you folks.

cwm is launching, but it's not setting my background to gray.
I thought I made the change correctly.

$ cat .xsession

xsetroot -solid grey &
oclock -geometry 75x75-0-0 &

The clock is also not showing up.

I've also put it in here:
$ cat .xinitrc

oclock -geometry 75x75-0-0 &
xsetroot -solid grey &

Does it need to go in the .cwmrc?
$ cat .cwmrc

command firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox
#fontname "sans-serif:pixelsize=14:bold"
fontname "Courier:pixelsize=14:style=Regular"

Is there a way to change the console font to something a little larger?
fontname seems to change for menus only.


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