On 1/22/06, Scott Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you mean, aside from including man38.tgz? What else are you looking
> for? There's some docs on their website, but why would you need
> anything beyond what ships with OpenBSD? There's a man page for
> everything, and while they don't include a "we did the following steps
> in this order, and here's why we have privoxy and pf and how they're
> configured", it's easy enough to just read the config files and the
> relevant man pages. Keep in mind also that this is, at best, a beta
> release (if not alpha).
'They' as in you, sure.. and they didn't.  Go to the site.  Go to
sf.net's doc page.  Neither contain any documentation.  My original
statement stands as-is.  OpenBSD is well documented, what was done to
produce this image is not.  In fact, it's about as safe as installing
OpenBSD from some ISO pulled from a random site.  Have a read for
yourself, straight from the FAQ:


"The source of an unofficial image may or may not be trustworthy; it
is up to you to determine this for yourself."

So, by my own determination, I choose not to trust it.  You can find
no fault with that logic, especially considering the purpose of your

> the packages are from the ports tree - are you saying they're somehow
> less trusted because you didn't install/build them yourself? The boot
> script is there for anybody to peruse who wants to; no "trust" is
> required - or at least, no more than is required for, say, flashdist
> or any other project based on a modified OpenBSD install. There's no
> secret sauce, no binary blobs, no closed source or NDAs.
So, if it's just a group of ports and a boot script, the kernel was
left untouched?  I did notice some .dist files in /etc.. perhaps
'diff' is all the documentation required.  The flashdist script isn't
applicable, they don't hand out images of OpenBSD but show you how to
'roll your own' and provide a script.  Sure, documentation there is
loose as well, but it's more than the sparse peppering of a
description provided by Anonym.OS.  How do you plan to keep this
patched?  How are vulnerabilities handled?  Errata?

> As far as "unwilling or unable to use OpenBSD in its native form",
> keep in mind the purpose of the project and their target audience. Not
> everybody has the luxury of their own laptop, and it's always nice to
> have something relatively secure to fall back on when stuck with a
> less-than-sanitary public-use PC.
Agreed, somewhat.  This topic has been bludgeoned to death on misc,
your reasoning fails -- search the list archives.

> Let's not denigrate unnecessarily; we should be encouraging wider uses
> and derivative projects, not biting the heads off of developers when
> they release new OpenBSD-based projects. If it's a waste of time,
> nobody will use it and it will disappear with no need for vitriol. On
> the other hand, if it's a good project, well, that kind of development
> is always a Good Thing.
Copying a free OS and adding a few packages hardly constitutes the tag
'developer', perhaps .. installer? scripter?  I'm quite certain
OpenBSD developers really could care less if their project is taken
from its natural habitat and bastardized for the consumption of a
wider audience.  By your own words, this project is really not much
more than a HOWTO, sans end-user effort and the actual HOWTO document.
 Or did I miss something?

> This:
> > It reeks of a clumsily-staged publicity stunt.
> definitely comes off more like sour grapes than any kind of valid
> criticism, IMO. Perhaps you didn't intend it that way.
I never claimed it as valid criticism, it's my opinion and I've a
right to it.  This is *yet another* (failed) attempt at positive PR
for this script+package project.  Sour grapes would imply that I am
pushing down your project to further my own agenda.  I won't lose
sleep over that one until I decouple myself from OpenBSD; until then,
good luck with your PR campaign!

Despite our philosophical differences, here's my constructive criticism:

1) If you're going to produce a bootable ISO image, also produce a
siteXX.tgz file and make it available via your website for download
during a 'regular' OpenBSD installation.

2) Consider, perhaps, even a script that will generate the bootable CD
ISO from that siteXX.tgz customization as well.

3) Documentation

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