My suggestion to resolve the whole issue: forward mail through your ISP's
mailserver or go and buy a cheap VPS.

Amazon EC2 micro instances work fine for the purpose, and it is possible
with some hackery to install OpenBSD on them.

“Lanie, I’m going to print more printers. Lots more printers. One for
everyone. That’s worth going to jail for. That’s worth anything.” -
Printcrime by Cory Doctrow

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 5:25 PM, Walter Alejandro Iglesias <>

> In article <20170808121343.46a8ddb9@fir.internal> you wrote:
> > Hi Walter:
> >
> > On Sun, 6 Aug 2017 19:45:22 +0200 Walter Alejandro Iglesias wrote:
> > > What determines those "ranges", who regulates that?
> >
> > Some ISPs submit IP blocks to various blacklists. e.g:
> > https://www.Spamhaus.Org/faq/section/Spamhaus%20PBL#242
> > http://www.Sorbs.Net/faq/dul.shtml
> >
> > Asking your ISP to exclude your addresses might help.
> I sent an email to my ISP, they don't even know about this lists. :-)
> Besides, I sent an email to suggesting them not to include
> static IPs in their PBL list by default as they do.
> I'll take this chance to share my thinking with everyone here.
> I understand that given everyone uses gmail, hotmail or mail provided by
> some multinational hosting service they assume mail coming from
> residential connections cannot be other thing but spam sent from hacked
> machines.  But someone paying for a static IP in a residential
> connection is the opposite case.  When you have to deal with thousands
> of users you resort to any trick you find on the Internet and start to
> blindly blacklist all; this is a big servers problem.  And the more
> users you have to deal with the worse.  On the contrary, from my part, I
> have just a pair of personal addresses, so it's not a big deal for me to
> audit my server and use more sane, less harmful and, overall, more
> effective measures to filter spam and to prevent spam be sent from my
> machine.  And I think this is the direction everyone should point to
> instead of resting day after day more and more on big companies for
> everything.  In general, everyone should tend to decentralize instead of
> monopolize.  The real problem is the passive attitude most people assume
> in the use of the Internet (and life in general but I don't want to bore
> you with cheap philosophy. :-))
> >
> > Regards,
> Thank you for your advice.

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