I would advise not assuming the email ISP will forward blindly all the
email it gets.

Back then years ago I ran an ISP, and the most strange ever support call I
get was a competitor buying a modem of ours, and escalating a support call
our email server was not forwarding *their* email.

C: Well, our main server queue is full of messages and spam, and we just
pointed our email server to yours to alleviate it...and it does not goes
ME: You know our central email server besides having anti-spam and grey
listing, only forwards our own domain, right? (we had other email servers
for corner cases, but it even then it would not fit their...special case)

On 8 August 2017 at 22:39, Kevin Chadwick <m8il1i...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I understand that given everyone uses gmail, hotmail or mail provided by
> some multinational hosting service they assume mail coming from
> residential connections cannot be other thing but spam sent from hacked
> machines.  But someone paying for a static IP in a residential
> connection is the opposite case.  When you have to deal with thousands
> of users you resort to any trick you find on the Internet and start to
> blindly blacklist all; this is a big servers problem.  And the more
> users you have to deal with the worse.  On the contrary, from my part, I
> have just a pair of personal addresses, so it's not a big deal for me to
> audit my server and use more sane, less harmful and, overall, more
> effective measures to filter spam and to prevent spam be sent from my
> machine.  And I think this is the direction everyone should point to
> instead of resting day after day more and more on big companies for
> everything.  In general, everyone should tend to decentralize instead of
> monopolize.  The real problem is the passive attitude most people assume
> in the use of the Internet (and life in general but I don't want to bore
> you with cheap philosophy. :-))
> >
> > Regards,
> Thank you for your advice.
> +1, way more spam comes from universities and enterprise machines than
> residential static ips with PTR records. It is not your error to fix.
> BTW Microsoft have their own SPF sign up thing but if I recall it was too
> much hastle and maybe pay for.
> Keep ignoring those that suggest using your ISP, why would you send *all*
> your mail through a likely untrustworthy mail system.
> Just accept that hotmail users often fish mail out of spam because the big
> mail systems are crappy.


Rui Ribeiro
Senior Linux Architect and Network Administrator

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