I don't think you can know the host header unless you decrypt the https
using a certificate.  It seems that idea would require SNI but I don't know
if they have SNI in relayd/httpd.  (I could be wrong about that.)

In mine I have listen on $ext_addr port 443 tls.  Then exists
/etc/ssl/ipaddr:443.crt file.  Look at phrase "/etc/ssl/address:port.crt"
in relayd.conf(5).

The book below shows this scenario and how to use acme-client to get a free
certificate from Let's Encrypt.



On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 4:37 AM, rosjat <ros...@ghweb.de> wrote:

> there is of course a tls to much in the config
> its just
> relay "proxyssl" {
>         listen on $gateway  port https
>         protocol "httpproxy"
>         forward to <new-webserver>  port https
> }
> Am 20.09.2017 um 10:19 schrieb rosjat:
>> Hi there,
>> just a simple question about the  relaying of https connections. Is it
>> possible to simple pass the https traffic to the webserver with relayd? My
>> naive approach was simply checking the host name in the header and then
>> forward it to http or https port. This works for http  but with https it
>> doesnt.
>> here are my relayd.conf parts
>> http protocol "httpproxy" {
>>                              match request quick header "Host" value
>> "random-domain1.tld" forward to <new-webserver>
>>                              match request quick header "Host" value
>> "random-domain2.tld" forward to <old-webserver>
>> }
>> relay "proxy" {
>>                 listen on $gateway  port http
>>                 protocol "httpproxy"
>>                 forward to <new-webserver>  port http
>>                 forward to <old-webserver> port http
>>                }
>> relay "proxyssl" {
>>         listen on $gateway  port https
>>         protocol "httpproxy"
>>         forward to <new-webserver>  port https tls
>> }
>> with this I dont get a relay for https it seems, if I add tls to the
>> listen part I got told relayd cant find the certificates. And that is
>> totally understanable because there are no certs on this machine for these
>> domains because the are on the webserver machine.
>> So it all boils down to the question, do I have to set up my certificates
>> on the relay host to be able to use a https relay ?
>> regards
> --
> Markus Rosjat    fon: +49 351 8107223    mail: ros...@ghweb.de
> G+H Webservice GbR Gorzolla, Herrmann
> Königsbrücker Str. 70, 01099 Dresden
> http://www.ghweb.de
> fon: +49 351 8107220   fax: +49 351 8107227
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