On 17/10/03 13:48, Niels Kobschaetzki wrote:

I am running currently constantly into the problem that I do not have enough 
space left for installing packages and today even upgrading a snapshot failed 
because I had not enough space left.
Is there a way to resize partitions? I guess probably not because there is no 
volume manager, right?
I used originally the suggested layout by the installer. Any idea what could 
fill up the space on /? The partition is only 1GB in size and if I see it 
correctly only the base-system is installed there. Did base grew with the 
latest snapshots?

I found the problem. It sat in front of the keyboard m)
At some point I created apparently by accident a huge file in /dev and
that ate up all the space in /
One problem solved. Now to my other space-problems where resizing would
be a solution but maybe I just need to tidy up more.

Schöne Grüße


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