
Another data point..(sorry to top post... but felt it's appropriate)

I've got APU as well.  Running OpenBSD 6.1:
OpenBSD 6.1 (GENERIC.MP) #24: Wed Oct  4 18:47:09 CEST 2017

# dmesg | grep athn
athn0 at pci4 dev 0 function 0 "Atheros AR9281" rev 0x01: apic 5 int 16
athn0: AR9280 rev 2 (2T2R), ROM rev 22, address 04:f0:21:1b:b3:68

Wireless was very poorly performing.  I'm not actually using the wireless because of this.  I anticipated the performance challenges from reading the mailing lists, so it's not a show stopper for me.

Steve W.

On 15/10/2017 6:50 AM, Stefan Sperling wrote:
On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 11:59:11AM -0400, Tim Stewart wrote:
Maximilian Pichler <maxim.pich...@gmail.com> writes:

The dmesg is the same as previously (this is on the APU), except for:
athn0 at pci5 dev 0 function 0 "Atheros AR9281" rev 0x01: apic 2 int 16
athn0: AR9280 rev 2 (2T2R), ROM rev 22, address xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:e2
I'm debugging some issues with my wle200nx in a PC Engines apu2c4, and I
have a very similar dmesg output:

   athn0 at pci4 dev 0 function 0 "Atheros AR9281" rev 0x01: apic 5 int 16
   athn0: AR9280 rev 2 (2T2R), ROM rev 22, address 04:f0:21:26:d3:28

I am curious, is it expected that the first line says "Atheros AR9281"
and the second says "AR9280"?  In particular, athn(4) makes the AR9281
sound less capable:

   The AR9281 is a single-chip PCIe 802.11n solution.  It exists in PCIe
   Mini Card (XB91) and half Mini Card (HB91) form factors.  It operates in
   the 2GHz spectrum and supports 1 transmit path and 2 receiver paths
This is indeed contradictory information.

The string "AR9281" comes from a static list in OpenBSD's kernel and bears
no actual relation to what's in the hardware. Provided the in-kernl list
is correct, It means the manufacturor has written the PCI ID of an AR9281
into the card's PCI config space. The OS will try to attach a driver which
matches on this PCI ID.

Once attached, the driver performs actual probing and finds an AR9280 chip.
If the driver were misidentifying the chip this could lead to all sorts
of problems and misbehaviours.

Whether the driver's probing or the vendor's PCI ID is correct, I cannot tell.

I'll note though that no code which is specific to the 9281 seems to exist
in our driver. That's a bad sign, and could indicate that this chip isn't
properly supported yet.

I will reply with more details if I can better quantify the issues I'm
Please do.

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