
First: thanks for OpenBSD 6.2, another great release ... and oooh, boy, 
upgrading is such a joy! Its awesome cause its painless and is done faster than 
even booting most full blown operating systems.

Second, my problem:
We have 2 roadwarriors doing projects for another company, and they should 
connect to their Microsoft based VPN Service.
However, we are experiencing a weird problem that only one of them can connect 
at the same time.
Its no problem with their service, using mobile phone tethering both can 
connect simultaneously.

I have tried both with net.inet.gre.allow and net.inet.gre.wccp enabled and 
disabled, but it does not work.
The rule is basically:

pass out quick on $if_int proto {tcp udp gre} from any to $customer_ip nat-to 

which of course also allows Port 1723.

I have no idea about the configuration on their server, and found various 
discussions e.g. "multiple pptp pass-through on pf" from 2007 and others about 
10 years back.
Whats the current state of this? Do I really need a proxy like poptop?

thanks in advance,

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