
I'd recommend http://thredded.org/ as it's both Ruby and Rails and
developed by Google developers.

Have fun!

On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 8:30 PM, flipchan <flipc...@riseup.net> wrote:

> Grtz *!
> Sry for going alittle bit off topic , me and a friend are trying to
> rebuild a swedish openbsd forum (openbsd.se) it's been live since 2005 ,
> and been running punbb.
> But punbb is not actively​ being developed and we wonder if anyone can
> suggest a good forum software , we don't have time to write one from
> scratch (both have full time jobs and kids and other stuff , but we want a
> swedish openbsd forum to flurish)
> Could anyone suggest some forum software that we can run?
> We are also thinking about posting tutorials on the site to help more ppl
> find openbsd throw search engines.
> Take care all!
> And thanks in advance
> --
> Take Care Sincerely flipchan layerprox dev

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