On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 04:57:14PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> >On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 05:58:59AM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> >> >A question to the experts here.
> >> >
> >> >My home router (a crappy one provided by my ISP) has ipv6 disabled, at
> >> >least it's what its guied configuration tells me. :-)  And I have ipv6
> >> >disabled in all my LAN machines.  The laptop I use with OpenBSD has
> >> >slaacd(8) up and running by default, even when I didn't configure any
> >> >interface to use ipv6 at install time.
> >> >
> >> >Under the above conditions, do I still need slaacd running?
> >> 
> >> Yes, absolutely.
> >> 
> >> Otherwise one day you will configure up v6 on an interface and
> >> come whining about how your custom configuration isn't do inet6
> >> boohoohoo.
> >
> >OK.  You assume I'm an asshole.
> >
> >> 
> >> You need it.  And don't go writing some balony blog saying you don't
> >> need it.
> >
> >I don't need blogs. :-)
> >
> >
> >Look, I'm very happy with OpenBSD (*honestly*) in the technical as well
> >as in the human aspect.  The *only one* negative point I found till now
> >in this project is your attitude.  The next time you want to insult me
> >do it in private, in that way you won't harm the project (taking in care
> >the other people working hard on it).
> Terribly sad you are such a sensitive soul.

Uh, your sarcasms hurt my delicate soul. :-)

I don't usually come here to whine.  I've always kept my systems as
default as possible.  I've never written any article about OpenBSD.
Obviously it's not about me and *that's the bad news*.  Whether or not
you're right about users in general, there are more than one OS out
there with long tradition and experience in developing with the
assumption users are a bunch of irresponsible idiots.  And they count
with a stronger infrastructure than yours.  It's not clever to compete
with those monsters using their same strategy.

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