> Perhaps it isn't just word/excel, but rather, getting used to the
> operating system changes and its antics. It appears you have changed
> their OS and their software, and this has upset them. No training was
> provided explaining to them the nooks and crannies of the new software,
> so they are frustrated as they are forced to satisfy someone elses'
> nerdgasm.

How is office politics necessarily equivalent to a 'nerdgasm'?

Either way, aren't most 'desktop environments', and libreoffice, 'sold'
on the premise that it's so easy to convert from M$ poop?

> I notice a big difference between modern MS Office and
> LibreOffice/OpenOffice, which is why I prefer the latter. I also notice
> a big difference between OpenBSD and Windows 10, and you would have to
> be a blithering idiot to not notice the differences.

Given the situation he described it was more like windoze nt 5.2. I
could be wrong on that, though.

> You seem to have forgotten the huge uproar Microsoft created in
> 2006/2007 with the idiotic "ribbon" interface. This is similar, but on
> a much smaller, more local scale.

Yeah, but like in most other abusive relationships, those people find it
very hard to leave M$, whatever they do.

And will still eye a potential replacement partner with a lot of
scepticism (not quite unjustified).


P.S.: why 'SPOOFED'?

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