Ingo Schwarze wrote:
>Hum, i don't doubt your analysis.  But now i don't understand why
>uxterm(1) works for Allan and plain xterm(1) doesn't...

Re-reading Allan's email, it's not clear to me whether he did his tests
with the precompose resource set to true or false.  If using the default
value of true then:

- Copy-pasting the result of printf "e\xcc\x81\n" works correctly in xterm,
  regardless of whether I use TrueType fonts or not.  That's because, as
  pointed out by Ingo, xterm rewrites e\xcc\x81 into \xc3\xa9.  That's the
  reason why this whole discussion started (and preventing the rewrite is
  then the reason why setting the precompose resource to false makes

- When using TrueType fonts, printf "e\xcc\x81\n" shows the accent.  This
  is with the precompose resource set to its default true value.
  Interestingly, when the precompose resource is set to false and TrueType
  fonts are used, the same printf "e\xcc\x81\n" does not show the accent
  (as indicated in one of the my previous emails).  So it looks like this
  is not just a font problem after all but another bug (which Anthony
  actually already pointed out in his second email).

So my conclusions so far are:

- Allan probably did his tests with the precompose resource set to its
  default true value.  It's either that or there is some as yet unknown
  extra factor that makes a difference in the results between him and me.

- When the precompose resource is set to false, copy-pasting the result of
  printf "e\xcc\x81\n" never works correctly in xterm, regardless of
  whether I use TrueType fonts or not.  xterm copy-pastes the correct
  sequence of bytes but that sequence is not displayed correctly.  That's a
  bug in xterm.

- In addition, when the precompose resource is set to false and TrueType
  fonts are used, the result of printf "e\xcc\x81\n" itself is wrong (even
  before trying to copy-paste it): od(1) shows that the correct sequence of
  bytes is printed but it is displayed without accent.  That's another bug
  in xterm.  The result is displayed correctly when the precompose resource
  is set to true.


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