Le 2017-12-14 05:30, ti...@openmailbox.org a écrit :

Do you see any typical pf.conf or sysctl settings to tweak/speedup
NAT/networking stack throughput?

(On USB2 dongles, sigh.

Current speed is quite OK actually, a client with good hardware would
get up to 70mbps through the NAT. I was still curious to know if there
are any obvious toggles in sysctl/pf.conf for up:ing NAT/networking
stack throughput though. RAM is not an issue with me, I have plenty. I
thought possibly some settings were set to unnecessarily low defaults,
for OpenBSD to work well on machines with <1GB RAM, say.)



What is the USB dongle here, a network adapter ? Maybe it's simply the
dongle limiting the bandwidth.


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