While not exactly bug tracker, more like general-purpose issue tracker,
I have successfully implemented rt44 in a company I work for:


The reason why I succeeded with rt44, and failed with other, shinier
trackers with more bells and whistles, is its integration with email.
All of my users want single email address where they can report issues.
Some of my colleagues in IT want to continue using email-only
correspondence while dealing with users' issues, while others prefer to
use additional features in rt44's web interface. All of them can have
their way with rt. No one was forced to something new, something
different. Email-only is still there, with the addition of web
interface for those who want/like it.

If OpenBSD people are interested, I can provide complete rt44-based
solution directly from my servers, or I can help building and
integrating it on some other hardware.

Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać

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