The Russians heavily use SPARC for aerospace/military applications as well as their in house domestic-use-only Elbrus machines, for what I imagine to be reasons precisely like this.

On 01/04/18 00:13, Rupert Gallagher wrote:
Everybody is reading about it, including people like me that have formerly 
underestimated the problem... mea culpa

The question is, can we have a kernel free of patches for spynet cpus? The 
Russians are moving to ARM-based cpus, anthough ARM is subject to UK-style 
Orwellian spynet law. The Chinese have an interesting project on RISC, who is 
taking ages to hit the market.

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On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 13:19, who one <> wrote:

Did anyone hear about this?

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