Yes, Windows 10 as road warrior, with ms-chapv2 authentication.

That means server side I have a certificate and client side using username
and password.

My config works with my iPhone as road warrior, but not windows 10. I will
try to post the logs for both as soon as I can.

Kinda strange I think it has something to do with how Windows offers the
proposal or peerid.

On Mon, 8 Jan 2018 at 6:13 AM, Patrick Wildt <> wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 03, 2018 at 03:11:01AM +0000, Michael Lam wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Does anyone have experience with using iked with a Windows 10 and EAP
> > mschap-v2 authentication in a road warrior setup?
> You mean Windows 10 connecting as a road warrior to iked?
> > I tried but it doesn’t work. It always return error saying no local
> > certificate found. On a side note - Windows seems to report it’s IP
> address
> > as peerid.
> Make sure you load the complete certificate chain for your _local_ iked
> certifikate to /etc/iked/ca/.  This is, so far, required.  I have some
> upcoming diff that removes the requirement to trust all CAs of your
> local certificate.
> Patrick
> > On the OpenBSD side, I am using the latest iked from cvs and a valid
> > letsencrypt certificate. The resulting server does not have issue with
> iOS
> > configuration but never got pass   Windows 10.
> >
> > The same certififcate works properly with strongswan in a freebsd ikev2
> > setup hence server certificate issue can be eliminated.
> >
> > Will post logs and config once I am back home.
> > --
> >
> > Rgds, Michael

Rgds, Michael

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