Thanks for the replies.  I suspect this is the answer I needed: don't
try to install a 6.2 snapshot just before version 6.3 is released,
instead wait for the release and install that.

> You need to be sure to use the bsd.rd from the snapshot!

I'm pretty sure that's what I booted.  Does any other bsd.rd have a
default path of pub/OpenBSD/6.3/i386?

> You say install, which is very different from upgrade.

I'm running 6.1 on my laptop hard disk, and I wanted to install a
recent snapshot to a USB key.  The back story involves an upgrade to
6.2 stable, a kernel failure whenever I started X Windows, and a
desire to reproduce the fault while preserving a bootable system on
the hard disk.

I'll wait for the 6.3 release, and see if X still crashes the kernel.

Thanks again


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