Am Sun, 01 Apr 2018 17:28:29 +0200
schrieb Markus Rosjat <>:

> Hi there,  
> There are simple ways of relaying local mails(connection on lo0 on
> port 25) to a other mailserver. This is oky for logs and stuff but
> what's about mails created by a php on the local webserver? His do I
> get smtpd to still do a auth with username and pwd on lo0? Is it
> possible or do I need to configure the "external" addr too for this
> purpose?

Hello Markus,

I am not sure if I understand your question...
But to relay emails on an internal webserver you have to set the
following 2 lines in /etc/mail/smtpd.conf:

  table passwd file:/etc/mail/secrets
  accept from any \
    for any \
    relay via tls+auth://foo@mailserver auth <passwd>

and in /etc/mail/secrets:

  foo  username:passwword

Thats all. Simple.

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