Thanks a lot! You Sir are a hero! :)
I will try it and let you know about the problems/results.

One more thing though, how do I know which USB port is which cuaXX? If I
connect to cua00 it seems to start conversation but the whole thing
freezes. cuaU0 gives not configured info.


2018-04-15 22:50 GMT+02:00 Roderick <>:

> On Sun, 15 Apr 2018, MS wrote:
> Is there a successful story with OpenBSD and a 3G USB modem?
> I use it since years.
> I've read the manuals, but can't really glue the whole thing together
>> to make it work.
> Yes, the manuals and the files/examples in /etc/ppp should be enough.
> It should be like configuring an old analog modem (That I never needed :).
> Some ideas to get the whole picture:
> (1) You need to create a ppp interface, let us say do
>      "ifconfig ppp0 create". See "man 4 ppp" for it.
> (2) You need need the modem to be ready for the connection,
>      first connect to it with "cu -l /dev/cuaU0" (if it is
>      pluged in cuaU0) and give commands like:
>      AT
>      AT+CPIN="YourPin"
>      AT+CGCONT=1,"IP","APNofYourProvider" [perhaps only once, modem saves
> it]
>      ~. [to leave the session]
>     You can see more commands here:
> 03.00_60/ts_127007v130300p.pdf
> (3) With "man pppd" you learn how to write a file with "options" that
>      goes to the directory "/etc/ppp/peers/". It depends on your
>      modem, on your provider. Let us call it "/etc/ppp/peers/xyz".
>      Then you start the connection with "pppd call xyz". See with
>      "ifconfig" what happens.
> (4) You need to set manually a DNS in "/etc/resolv.conf", unfortunately
>      OpenBSDs pppd does not do it.
> Back to "/etc/ppp/peers/xyz". There are lines ("options") of the form
> connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/"
> disconnect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/"
> They call the program "chat" applied to the "chat scripts" and
> when connecting and disconnecting, chat communicate
> with the modem. See "man 8 chat" to see how the chat scripts are
> written. The above commands (after cu) could be for example included
> in You could also use other programs different from chat.
> You also can see in in "/etc/ppp/peers/xyz" a line of the form
> user username
> For this username there should be a password in the file
> "/etc/ppp/chap-secrets" or "/etc/ppp/pap-secrets". The
> provider gives you this username and password. Authentication is
> also described in "man 8 pppd".
> I hope, you get now the whole picture and can concentrate on the details.
> Any corrections or commentaries there?
> Rodrigo.

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