
I'm trying to build an OpenSMPTD mail server for the first time to replace my 
aging Postfix box.

No matter who I address inbound eMails to (local users or aliases), I always 
get 550: Invalid recipient in response on the sending server and in 
/var/log/maillog.  I've tried more than a dozen configs, and I can't get past 
this problem.

Domain anonymized for my comfort, but DNS is configured correctly.  I've tried 
to comment everything possible -- if my comment and configs don't match, please 
let me know where I've gone astray!

Here's my entire smtpd.conf file:

# Random global options
queue compression # Compress data in the queue
max-message-size 25M
expire 7d

# Cryptographic Keys and Certificates
pki mydomain.email certificate "/etc/ssl/mydomain.crt"
pki mydomain.email key "/etc/ssl/private/mydomain.key"
pki mydomain.email dhe auto 

# Define tables 
table blacklist file:/etc/mail/blacklist  # Blacklist of irritating IPs
table whitelist file:/etc/mail/whitelist  # Whitelist for misconfigured IPs
table aliases   file:/etc/mail/aliases    # Aliases accepted for delivery
table account   file:/etc/mail/account    # Virtual mail accounts
table domains   file:/etc/mail/domains    # Domains to accept mail for
table users     file:/etc/mail/users      # User names with their own mailboxes
table password  file:/etc/mail/password   # Passwords for users

# Allow specific users to send messages as specific eMail addresses
#table senders file:/etc/mail/senders

# Configure interface & standards - add 'verify' to tls-require in the future.
listen on egress tls-require hostname mydomain.email
listen on egress smtps hostname mydomain.email
listen on egress port submission tls-require auth <password>

# Reject troublemakers
reject from source <blacklist>

# Add other filters here?  

# Accept from "whitelisted" IPs that are slightly misconfigured 
accept from source <whitelist>

# Receive eMails to addresses in the aliases table.
accept from any for domain <domains> alias <aliases> deliver to mbox

# Receive eMails to addresses in the virtual account table.
accept from any for domain <domains> virtual <account> deliver to mbox

# Receive eMails for local users
accept from any for local deliver to mbox

# Forward incoming eMails (from authenticated users) to their destination.
accept for any relay

The messages from my existing postfix server:

Apr 18 23:31:08 sybil postfix/smtp[71679]: 55462205F0CD9: 
to=<user1@mydomain.email>, relay=mydomain.email[]:25, delay=2, 
delays=0.01/0.06/1.9/0.05, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host 
mydomain.email[] said: 550 Invalid recipient (in reply to RCPT TO 
Apr 18 23:31:08 sybil postfix/smtp[71679]: 55462205F0CD9: 
to=<webmaster@mydomain.email>, relay=mydomain.email[]:25, delay=2, 
delays=0.01/0.06/1.9/0.06, dsn=5.0.0, status=bounced (host 
mydomain.email[] said: 550 Invalid recipient (in reply to RCPT TO 

And the messages from /var/log/maillog:

Apr 19 03:31:06 leclerc smtpd[6384]: 8d44a173e36ff947 smtp event=connected 
address= host=olddomain.com
Apr 19 03:31:08 leclerc smtpd[6384]: 8d44a173e36ff947 smtp event=starttls 
address= host=olddomain.com ciphers="version=TLSv1, 
cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits=256"
Apr 19 03:31:08 leclerc smtpd[6384]: 8d44a173e36ff947 smtp event=failed-command 
address= host=olddomain.com command="RCPT TO:<user1@mydomain.email> 
ORCPT=rfc822;user1@mydomain.email" result="550 Invalid recipient"
Apr 19 03:31:08 leclerc smtpd[6384]: 8d44a173e36ff947 smtp event=failed-command 
address= host=olddomain.com command="RCPT 
TO:<webmaster@mydomain.email> ORCPT=rfc822;webmaster@mydomain.email" 
result="550 Invalid recipient"
Apr 19 03:31:08 leclerc smtpd[6384]: 8d44a173e36ff947 smtp event=closed 
address= host=olddomain.com reason=quit

Any assistance and insight would be greatly appreciated, as well as some 
information on how OpenSMTPD treats local users different from aliases and 
virtual accounts.


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