Hello @misc,

I use a CARPed pair of 6.2 gateways as vpn access nodes, running "plain" ISAKMPD/ipsec.

The peering vpn gateways have different brandings from OpenBSD, linux, cisco to watchguard appliances etc...

Interoperability works most like a charm and is a no-brainer in most cases.

I have only access to the OpenBSD peering gateways, but most other brands belong to partners / customers.

Sometimes I first have problems with some of these peering boxes and only partial tunnels came up (only phase 1 or - more bad - phase 1 only partial).

Then I check the logs and - if I got wrong credentials or parameters from the peering partner - I change the configs on my side. It needs mostly much less time than to discuss with the technicians from the peering partners - their problems have to te solved by them by clicking somewhere in a webinterface *sigh*.

Ok, back to _my_ problem:

If a ipsec tunnel is running with phase 1 and 2, I can stop it with
"ipsecctl -d -f <configfile>". Works.

If the ipsec tunnel is only partial working, I can delete it by using the fifo mechanism. Sometimes.

I got the tips from this 2013 undeadly.org article:
Managing Individual IPsec Tunnels On A Multi-Tunnel Gateway

But I have always problems if only a part of phase 1 came up.

1.) sh -c "echo S > /var/run/isakmpd.fifo"

2.) less /var/run/isakmpd.result
SA name: <unnamed> (Phase 1/Responder)
src: <my_gateway_ip> dst: <peering_gateway_ip>
Flags 0x00000000
icookie 9f5bf7497f0ebe10 rcookie 8a6c7b1b1f5923ec

Feeding the fifo with
sh -c "echo 't <SA-name-of-connection>' > /var/run/isakmpd.fifo"
only deletes phase 2.

But I didn't have an SA name at this time... ??

Question to the community: how is it possible to reliable stop partial tunnels without restarting isakmpd/ipsec (e.g. disturbing all other running tunnels)?

I'm clueless....

Best regards

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