Hello Philipp,

sorry for the late answer....

Thanks for the hint with the cookies.

Works in my environment....

I'm much happier now ;-)

Best regards

Am 15.05.18 um 05:15 schrieb Philipp Buehler:
Hello Andre,

Am 14.05.2018 13:38 schrieb Andre Ruppert:
I got the tips from this 2013 undeadly.org article:
Managing Individual IPsec Tunnels On A Multi-Tunnel Gateway

Apparently I wrote that article, and I feel your pain :-)

2.) less /var/run/isakmpd.result
SA name: <unnamed> (Phase 1/Responder)
src: <my_gateway_ip> dst: <peering_gateway_ip>
Flags 0x00000000
icookie 9f5bf7497f0ebe10 rcookie 8a6c7b1b1f5923ec

Feeding the fifo with
sh -c "echo 't <SA-name-of-connection>' > /var/run/isakmpd.fifo"
only deletes phase 2.

But I didn't have an SA name at this time... ??

The problem here is you only have an 'unnamed' SA, indeed; but
you have cookies..
What you can do - found that a bit later after the undeadly article:
echo 'd 9f5bf7497f0ebe108a6c7b1b1f5923ec -' > isakmpd.fifo
which is "d $icookie$rcookie -" (no space between the cookie values).

If I am changing a peer configuration, I also block 500/udp for the
time being to avoid these 'Responder' SAs altogether. Think along
pf.conf:pass in proto udp from <vpn_peers> to $myself port 500
pfctl -T delete -t vpn_peers $thatpeer
pfctl -k $thatpeer
ipsecctl -d -f $thatpeer.conf
vi $thatpeer.conf
ipsecctl -f $thatpeer.conf
pfctl -T add -t vpn_peers $thatpeer


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