On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 12:57:33PM +0200, Rudolf Sykora wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd perhaps like to switch to a recent snapshot.
> I read
> https://www.openbsd.org/faq/current.html
> but do not quite understand it.
> If I download the snapshot (ie bsd.rd), boot from it, choose Upgrade
> at the prompt, and upgrade any installed packages (??using pkg_add -u where
> available, otherwise from updated ports??), do I still have to follow
> those points described further down on the page, such as
> 2018/04/04 - PF_TRANS_ALTQ removed
> etc.?
> I'd expect I should watch for changes of syntax for configuration
> files, right?

Yes. In general installing a snapshot will just work. Most of the config
adjustments will happen automatically with sysmerge (but some you need to
do by hand). Also it can be required to remove files or users, again this
needs to be done by hand but often does not hurt (until it does and then
it causes strange issues).

In general if you install from snapshots most of current.html does not
apply and this is why it is the prefered way to stay -current.
:wq Claudio

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