On 8/30/2018 15:27:23, ed...@pettijohn-web.com wrote:

On Aug 30, 2018 1:48 PM, Daniel Corbe <dco...@hammerfiber.com> wrote:

at 1:35 PM, flauenroth <flauenr...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> This mail keeps crawling out the dumpster again and again. Are we done
> with this topic here? Correct me when I am wrong but afaik there are
> pretty simple rules about the mailing list(s) so asking about selling > stuff in the first place proofed lack of reading and or comprehending
> simple rules or maybe call them guidelines.
> Have something useful to donate to the project or something that might be > useful, ask here if someone has use for it. Have something to sell? Sell
> it on some auction side or wherever you feel like but not here.

You do know that procmail is capable of filtering by Subject, right?



$ procmail -v
procmail v3.22 2001/09/10
    Copyright (c) 1990-2001, Stephen R. van den Berg <s...@cuci.nl>
    Copyright (c) 1997-2001, Philip A. Guenther <guent...@sendmail.com>


Well, thanks. I'm now in the midst of an existential crisis for not knowing a critical piece of my mailer chain was last updated in 2001. I no longer believeI'm qualified to speak on topics of technology. I might try driving trucks for a living. At least then I don't have to think.

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