On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 12:32:26PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
| > $ python3 cidr_calc.py.txt
| > 2a02:8011:7003:1:fab1:56ff:feac:3276/64                        
| > 
| > IP address (2a02:8011:7003:1:fab1:56ff:feac:3276) not numeric.
| > USAGE: subnet_calc  ipaddr/maskbits
| >  EXAMPLE: subnet_calc
| Yes, it's IPV4 only.
| If lots of people want it, I might make it work for IPV6 too.

Well, if you're taking feature requests .. then please add me to the
list for 'want v6 support' too.  It's 2018 after all :)

Also, sthen, since it is 2018 .. you shouldn't be using eui64
addressing anymore ;-)


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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