Hello to all,

I am sorry to say that I could not understand this behavior intuitively.

$ id -Gn
hajime wheel
$ cat /etc/doas.conf
permit nopass hajime as root cmd mg    # A
permit keepenv :wheel                  # B
$ doas mg /etc/doas.conf               # no password, ok.


$ id -Gn
hajime wheel
$ cat /etc/doas.conf
permit keepenv :wheel                  # B
permit nopass hajime as root cmd mg    # A
$ doas mg /etc/doas.conf               # require password, ok?
doas (***) password:

I understand the former, but I could not understand the letter.
My question is whether is this correct behavior?


$ id -Gn
hajime wheel
$ cat /etc/doas.conf
permit keepenv :games                  # New B: other than wheel group
permit nopass hajime as root cmd mg    # A
$ doas mg /etc/doas.conf               # no password, ok.

Excuse me if you not understand or you feel bad with my poor English.

Hajime Edakawa

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