
I'm working on a project with a large number of highly customized
OpenBSD6.3 based appliances.

On each of these machines VMWare reports VMWare tools to be "installed
and ready". However, when I try to actually do something like shutdown,
reboot or sleep, there simply is no reaction. The machine remains up and

When I run a standard OpenBSD 6.3 machine on the same hypervisor,
everything works fine, so in general everything seems to be functional.
But we must have missed something when building these individual
appliances. I just cannot figure out what that could be. I read "man
vmt" but I couldn't figure if vmt would require some service that's
normally started by rc, which in our appliances is not being started. In
fact, the appliances do not use the OpenBSD init system at all but
replace them with some custom init.

What are we missing?

Thanks in advance!

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