For the archives I'm answering my own question:

> vmt handles shutdown and reboot requests from the host by signalling
> init(8) with SIGUSR2 and SIGINT respectively.

We made our own init listen to SIGUSR2 and SIGINT and that solved our

> Le 25 septembre 2018 18:22:57 GMT+02:00, Torsten <> a écrit :
>> Hi!
>> I'm working on a project with a large number of highly customized
>> OpenBSD6.3 based appliances.
>> On each of these machines VMWare reports VMWare tools to be "installed
>> and ready". However, when I try to actually do something like shutdown,
>> reboot or sleep, there simply is no reaction. The machine remains up
>> and
>> running.
>> When I run a standard OpenBSD 6.3 machine on the same hypervisor,
>> everything works fine, so in general everything seems to be functional.
>> But we must have missed something when building these individual
>> appliances. I just cannot figure out what that could be. I read "man
>> vmt" but I couldn't figure if vmt would require some service that's
>> normally started by rc, which in our appliances is not being started.
>> In
>> fact, the appliances do not use the OpenBSD init system at all but
>> replace them with some custom init.
>> What are we missing?
>> Thanks in advance!
>> T.
> I just read your message as "we run modified openbsd and it doesn't work, but 
> official openbsd work" 
> It's hard to help you. 

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