Thanks alot! I needed to symlink the files to enable them to be libs in php

On October 6, 2018 9:41:29 PM UTC, Richard Toohey <> 
>On 10/07/18 09:05, flipchan wrote:
>> My phpinfo:
>Have you looked in /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/ for anything
>I've moved off PHP 5.6 so not exactly sure what the file will be
>The instructions for 7.0.31:
>     /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/php-7.0.31
>... include instructions about what to do for some extensions so you 
>/may/ need to do something similar.
>- some 'core' extensions with extra dependencies are packaged
>(e.g. php-pdo_mysql, php-ldap, php-soap, and others) and can be
>with pkg_add(1).
>For all extensions packaged separately (and for opcache), you will find
>file named /etc/php-7.0.sample/(MODULE_NAME).ini. To enable it,
>add a symlink into /etc/php-7.0 and restart:
>     ln -sf ../php-7.0.sample/MODULE_NAME.ini /etc/php-7.0/
>Obviously these instructions will not be directly applicable in your 
>case, but do have a look in /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes for 
>anything php-related.
>> On October 6, 2018 4:42:16 PM UTC, Stuart Henderson
><> wrote:
>>> On 2018-10-06, Richard Toohey <> wrote:
>>>> On 10/06/18 07:16, Stuart Henderson wrote:
>>>>> On 2018/10/05 17:35, flipchan wrote:
>>>>>> It's weird because I have no error files that it describes the
>>> error in, I am promted with
>>>>>> "Configuration file errror DB type MYSQL is not supported by
>>> current setup"
>>>> I don't think the issue here - but if you are using PHP 7 make sure
>>>> mysqli is used.
>>> It all depends what zabbix-web wants. If it's written to use one
>>> specific
>>> api then you will need to use the module providing that. pdo_mysql
>>> probably the most common nowadays.

Take Care Sincerely flipchan layerprox dev

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