Thanks for the reply, I actually tried the install again after wiping the
disk and noticed that it seems like and efi partition wasn't auto-created
as part of the partitioning which seems odd since I swear it usually is for
efi systems but then again maybe I just don't remember. Install.txt doesn't
mention needing to create one even though one old guide I saw did as part
of the procedure. The previous efi partition I noticed when playing around
before wiping the disk must have been from the old Linux install.
Regardless the error is identical almost to the previous one but with new
numbers and letters after the ".".

The exact and full error message is as follows:

installboot: mkdir('/tmp/installboot.hP11Q78IbS/efi') failed: Invalid

Failed to install bootlocks.
You will not be able to book OpenBSD from sd0.

The output of df -k (Sorry about the formatting, I tried to replicate it as
best I could):

Filesystem     1K-blocks  Used   Avail        Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/rd0a        3535         5256    279          92%        /
/dev/sd0a       1028878    69194  908242     7%         /mnt
/dev/sd0l       312080952 36     296476872  0%        /mnt/home
/dev/sd0d       4125406     2      3919134      0%       /mnt/tmp
/dev/sd0f        2061054     577930 1380072 30%      /mnt/usr
/dev/sd0g       1028878    190628  786808   20%     /mnt/usr/X11R6
/dev/sd0h       20636942  218  19604878     0%  /mnt/usr/local
/dev/sd0k       6189758  2  5880270            0%  /mnt/usr/obj
/dev/sd0j        2061054  2  1958000            0%  /mnt/usr/src
/dev/sd0e       20425598  3394  19400926   0%  /mnt/var

On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 1:51 PM Philip Guenther <> wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 4:38 PM Liam Wigney <> wrote:
>> I've used Openbsd before but my installs have gone smoothly with no issues
>> and this is really the first time it's been a problem. The install is a
>> super boring one, it's whole disk Openbsd with the default gpt partition
>> layout and nothing else special.
>> During the install after the sets are successfully installed there's a
>> notification that the bootloader has failed to install due to mkdir being
>> called with an invalid argument.
> All the error messages from installboot from mkdir failing include both
> the path and the specific error message.  Those are included because
> they're helpful in understanding exactly what failed (and thus what could
> be wrong).  Including the _exact_ and _full_ error message would make it
> easier to assist.
> (Ruling out stuff that _didn't_ fail is key to figuring out root causes.)
>> Some research online said that I should
>> try to do installboot manually in the subsequent prrompt, so I called
>> installboot sd0 and got the following error
>> installboot: /usr/mdec/biosboot: No such file or directory
> Yes, when running from the bsd.rd ramdisk additional argument are
> necessary so that installboot can find the files it needs and disk on which
> to install them.  ...but doing that will just replicate what the upgrade
> script already did and the error it gave you...
> At this point, the two pieces of information that would help the most are:
> 1) the *EXACT AND FULL* error message that the upgrader reported from
> installboot
> 2) what your disklabel and partition layout looks like.  The output of "df
> -k" from the ramdisk shell prompt after the upgrade fails would be good,
> for example, as it has everything mounted under /mnt.
> Philip Guenther

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