I really need your help. 
I am still trying to configure Ikev2 VPN Gateway (A.B.C.77/23) for road 
warriors clients (Windows). 
The problem is that it works ONLY if clients are in the same subnet as VPN 
Gateway (A.B.C.0/23).
Clients from out of the gateway's subnet (!A.B.C.0/23) can not establish the 
connection (809 Error). It does not matter if they are behind NAT or not, tried 
different ISP - the same.

Current tested client is Win7 ( It works from A.B.C.0/23

I do not know what I am doing wrong.
Can anyone please help me with solving this problem?
Thank you.

This is a fresh 6.3/i386 install:

# syspatch -l

# cat /etc/hostname.vr0
inet A.B.C.77

# cat /etc/hostname.vr3
inet NONE
group lan

# cat /etc/hostname.enc0

# cat /etc/iked.conf
ikev2 "test" passive esp \
from to \
local A.B.C.77 peer any \
srcid A.B.C.77 \
config address \
config name-server \
tag "IKED"

# cat /etc/pf.conf
set skip on {lo, enc}
match in all scrub (no-df random-id max-mss 1310)
match out on egress from lan:network to any nat-to egress
match out on egress from enc0:network to any nat-to egress
block log all
pass in on egress proto udp from any to any port {isakmp,ipsec-nat-t}
pass in on egress proto {ah,esp}
pass out on egress
pass on lan
pass in on egress proto tcp from { A.B.C.0/23 } to port ssh
icmp_types              = "{ echoreq, unreach }"
pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types

# ikectl show ca vpn certificates
subject= /C=PL/ST=ZP/L=KL/O=PK/OU=test/CN=A.B.C.77/emailAddress=t...@123.com
SHA1 Fingerprint=37:2F:33:EA:C4:9C:45:0A:80:38:EC:0E:A6:F8:8B:EA:10:84:71:CB
notBefore=Oct 25 12:23:53 2018 GMT
notAfter=Oct 25 12:23:53 2019 GMT

subject= /C=PL/ST=ZK/L=KL/O=PK/OU=test/CN=A.B.C.77/emailAddress=t...@123.com
SHA1 Fingerprint=4C:AE:A5:C6:E3:71:81:09:C0:73:BF:03:5F:E2:02:CE:48:BF:03:78
notBefore=Oct 25 12:27:35 2018 GMT
notAfter=Oct 25 12:27:35 2019 GMT

subject= /C=PL/ST=ZK/L=KL/O=PK/OU=test/CN=win7/emailAddress=t...@123.com
SHA1 Fingerprint=E2:C1:96:F3:26:0F:CA:CD:49:0A:33:65:58:0E:07:B7:A7:90:D4:18
notBefore=Oct 25 12:32:31 2018 GMT
notAfter=Oct 25 12:32:31 2019 GMT

subject= /C=PL/ST=ZK/L=KL/O=PK/OU=test/CN=w520/emailAddress=w...@123.com
SHA1 Fingerprint=00:ED:49:7B:CE:AF:46:25:BE:39:B6:51:AD:3E:06:91:99:58:50:C9
notBefore=Oct 27 08:54:14 2018 GMT
notAfter=Oct 27 08:54:14 2019 GMT

# iked -vvd
ikev2 "test" passive esp inet from to local A.B.C.77 peer 
any ikesa enc aes-256,aes-192,aes-128,3des prf hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha1 auth 
hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha1 group modp2048,modp1536,modp1024 childsa enc 
aes-256,aes-192,aes-128 auth hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha1 srcid A.B.C.77 lifetime 
10800 bytes 536870912 signature config address config name-server tag "IKED"
/etc/iked.conf: loaded 1 configuration rules
ca_privkey_serialize: type RSA_KEY length 1193
ca_pubkey_serialize: type RSA_KEY length 270
ca_privkey_to_method: type RSA_KEY method RSA_SIG
ca_getkey: received private key type RSA_KEY length 1193
ca_getkey: received public key type RSA_KEY length 270
ca_dispatch_parent: config reset
config_getpolicy: received policy
config_getpfkey: received pfkey fd 3
config_getcompile: compilation done
config_getsocket: received socket fd 4
config_getsocket: received socket fd 5
config_getsocket: received socket fd 6
ca_reload: loaded ca file ca.crt
config_getsocket: received socket fd 7
config_getmobike: mobike
ca_reload: loaded crl file ca.crl
ca_reload: /C=PL/ST=ZP/L=KL/O=PK/OU=test/CN=A.B.C.77/emailAddress=t...@123.com
ca_reload: loaded 1 ca certificate
ca_reload: loaded cert file A.B.C.77.crt
/C=PL/ST=ZK/L=KL/O=PK/OU=test/CN=A.B.C.77/emailAddress=t...@123.com ok
ca_reload: local cert type X509_CERT
config_getocsp: ocsp_url none
ikev2_dispatch_cert: updated local CERTREQ type X509_CERT length 20
ikev2_dispatch_cert: updated local CERTREQ type X509_CERT length 20

ikev2_recv: IKE_SA_INIT request from initiator to A.B.C.77:500 
policy 'test' id 0, 528 bytes
ikev2_recv: ispi 0x683d59d10fbe4a9e rspi 0x0000000000000000
ikev2_policy2id: srcid IPV4/A.B.C.77 length 8
ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x683d59d10fbe4a9e rspi 0x0000000000000000 
nextpayload SA version 0x20 exchange IKE_SA_INIT flags 0x08 msgid 0 length 528 
response 0
ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SA nextpayload KE critical 0x00 length 256
ikev2_pld_sa: more 2 reserved 0 length 40 proposal #1 protoid IKE spisize 0 
xforms 4 spi 0
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type ENCR id 3DES
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type INTEGR id HMAC_SHA1_96
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA1
ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id MODP_1024
ikev2_pld_sa: more 2 reserved 0 length 44 proposal #2 protoid IKE spisize 0 
xforms 4 spi 0
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_CBC
ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type INTEGR id HMAC_SHA1_96
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA1
ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id MODP_1024
ikev2_pld_sa: more 2 reserved 0 length 40 proposal #3 protoid IKE spisize 0 
xforms 4 spi 0
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type ENCR id 3DES
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type INTEGR id HMAC_SHA2_256_128
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA2_256
ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id MODP_1024
ikev2_pld_sa: more 2 reserved 0 length 44 proposal #4 protoid IKE spisize 0 
xforms 4 spi 0
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_CBC
ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type INTEGR id HMAC_SHA2_256_128
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA2_256
ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id MODP_1024
ikev2_pld_sa: more 2 reserved 0 length 40 proposal #5 protoid IKE spisize 0 
xforms 4 spi 0
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type ENCR id 3DES
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type INTEGR id HMAC_SHA2_384_192
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA2_384
ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id MODP_1024
ikev2_pld_sa: more 0 reserved 0 length 44 proposal #6 protoid IKE spisize 0 
xforms 4 spi 0
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_CBC
ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type INTEGR id HMAC_SHA2_384_192
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA2_384
ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id MODP_1024
ikev2_pld_payloads: payload KE nextpayload NONCE critical 0x00 length 136
ikev2_pld_ke: dh group MODP_1024 reserved 0
ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NONCE nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 52
ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP
ikev2_nat_detection: peer source 0x683d59d10fbe4a9e 0x0000000000000000
ikev2_pld_notify: NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP detected NAT, enabling UDP 
ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 length 28
ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP
ikev2_nat_detection: peer destination 0x683d59d10fbe4a9e 0x0000000000000000 
sa_state: INIT -> SA_INIT
ikev2_sa_negotiate: score 21
ikev2_sa_negotiate: score 12
ikev2_sa_negotiate: score 17
ikev2_sa_negotiate: score 8
ikev2_sa_negotiate: score 0
ikev2_sa_negotiate: score 0
sa_stateok: SA_INIT flags 0x0000, require 0x0000
sa_stateflags: 0x0000 -> 0x0020 sa (required 0x0000 )
ikev2_sa_keys: DHSECRET with 128 bytes
ikev2_sa_keys: SKEYSEED with 32 bytes
ikev2_sa_keys: S with 96 bytes
ikev2_prfplus: T1 with 32 bytes
ikev2_prfplus: T2 with 32 bytes
ikev2_prfplus: T3 with 32 bytes
ikev2_prfplus: T4 with 32 bytes
ikev2_prfplus: T5 with 32 bytes
ikev2_prfplus: T6 with 32 bytes
ikev2_prfplus: T7 with 32 bytes
ikev2_prfplus: Tn with 224 bytes
ikev2_sa_keys: SK_d with 32 bytes
ikev2_sa_keys: SK_ai with 32 bytes
ikev2_sa_keys: SK_ar with 32 bytes
ikev2_sa_keys: SK_ei with 32 bytes
ikev2_sa_keys: SK_er with 32 bytes
ikev2_sa_keys: SK_pi with 32 bytes
ikev2_sa_keys: SK_pr with 32 bytes
ikev2_add_proposals: length 44
ikev2_next_payload: length 48 nextpayload KE
ikev2_next_payload: length 136 nextpayload NONCE
ikev2_next_payload: length 36 nextpayload NOTIFY
ikev2_nat_detection: local source 0x683d59d10fbe4a9e 0x4698e736ae5196ac 
ikev2_next_payload: length 28 nextpayload NOTIFY
ikev2_nat_detection: local destination 0x683d59d10fbe4a9e 0x4698e736ae5196ac
ikev2_next_payload: length 28 nextpayload CERTREQ
ikev2_add_certreq: type X509_CERT length 21
ikev2_next_payload: length 25 nextpayload NONE
ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x683d59d10fbe4a9e rspi 0x4698e736ae5196ac 
nextpayload SA version 0x20 exchange IKE_SA_INIT flags 0x20 msgid 0 length 329 
response 1
ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SA nextpayload KE critical 0x00 length 48
ikev2_pld_sa: more 0 reserved 0 length 44 proposal #4 protoid IKE spisize 0 
xforms 4 spi 0
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 12 type ENCR id AES_CBC
ikev2_pld_attr: attribute type KEY_LENGTH length 256 total 4
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA2_256
ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type INTEGR id HMAC_SHA2_256_128
ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id MODP_1024
ikev2_pld_payloads: payload KE nextpayload NONCE critical 0x00 length 136
ikev2_pld_ke: dh group MODP_1024 reserved 0
ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NONCE nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 36
ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP
ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload CERTREQ critical 0x00 length 28
ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP
ikev2_pld_payloads: payload CERTREQ nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 length 25
ikev2_pld_certreq: type X509_CERT length 20
ikev2_msg_send: IKE_SA_INIT response from A.B.C.77:500 to msgid 
0, 329 bytes
config_free_proposals: free 0x7fcc4880
config_free_proposals: free 0x85753900
config_free_proposals: free 0x7fcc03c0
config_free_proposals: free 0x7fcc4080
config_free_proposals: free 0x7fcc4580
config_free_proposals: free 0x825a0a00

Then I get 809 Error.

On Wed, 7 Feb 2018 22:01:16 +0100
Radek <alee...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi again,
> I'm still trying to make it work for roadwarriors. 
> VPN server has IP address A.B.9.73/23. It is OpenBSD6.1.
> I generated certs:
> # hostname
> serv73
> # ikectl ca vpn create (CN = serv73)
> # ikectl ca vpn install
> # ikectl ca vpn certificate A.B.9.73 create
> # ikectl ca vpn certificate A.B.9.73 install
> # ikectl ca vpn certificate A.B.9.76 create #(CN = A.B.9.76)
> # ikectl ca vpn certificate A.B.9.76 export 
> After installing A.B.9.76.zip in Win7 I can connect to VPN server from any IP 
> address that is in range A.B.9.0/23. 
> I can't connect from IP that is NOT from A.B.9.0/23. 
> I tried to connect from many IPs (public and behind NAT) but every time I got 
> "809 error". 
> Can anyone please help me with solving that problem?
> # cat /etc/iked.conf
> [snip]
> ikev2 "roadWarrior" passive esp \
>         from to local A.B.9.73 peer any \
>         srcid A.B.9.73 \
>         config address \
>         tag "$name-$id"
> # iked -n
> configuration OK
> # cat /etc.pf.conf 
> ext_if          = "vr0"
> lan_if          = "vr1"            # vr1
> lan_local       = $lan_if:network  #
> ext_ip          = "A.B.9.73"
> bud             = "A.B.9.0/25"
> rdkhome_wy      = "YY.YY.YY.YY"
> rdkhome_mon     = "XX.XX.XX.XX"
> ssh_port        = "1071"
> icmp_types      = "{ echoreq, unreach }"
> table <vpn_peers> const { A.B.9.74, A.B.C.75 }
> set skip on { lo, enc0 }
> block return on $ext_if # block stateless traffic
> match out log on $ext_if from $lan_local nat-to $ext_if set prio (1, 6)
> pass in log quick inet proto tcp from { $bud, $rdkhome_wy, $rdkhome_mon} to 
> $ext_if port $ssh_port \
>         set prio (1, 6) keep state
> pass out quick on egress proto esp from (egress:0) to <vpn_peers>             
>      keep state
> pass out quick on egress proto udp from (egress:0) to <vpn_peers> port {500, 
> 4500} keep state
> pass  in quick on egress proto esp from <vpn_peers> to (egress:0)             
>      keep state
> pass  in quick on egress proto udp from <vpn_peers> to (egress:0) port {500, 
> 4500} keep state
> pass out quick on trust received-on enc0 keep state
> pass out log proto tcp set prio (1, 6) keep state
> pass log proto udp set prio (1, 6) keep state
> pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types set prio (1, 6) keep state
> pass log inet proto { tcp, udp } from $lan_local to any set prio (1, 6) keep 
> state
> block return in on ! lo0 proto tcp to port 6000:6010
> # iked -dvv
> ikev2_recv: IKE_SA_INIT request from initiator E.F.G.H:500 to A.B.9.73:500 
> policy 'roadWarrior' id 0, 528 bytes
> ikev2_recv: ispi 0x35e2e7f614678913 rspi 0x0000000000000000
> ikev2_policy2id: srcid IPV4/A.B.9.73 length 8
> ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x35e2e7f614678913 rspi 0x0000000000000000 
> nextpayload SA version 0x20 exchange IKE_SA_INIT flags 0x08 msgid 0 length 
> 528 response 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SA nextpayload KE critical 0x00 length 256
> ikev2_pld_sa: more than one proposal specified
> ikev2_pld_sa: more 2 reserved 0 length 40 proposal #1 protoid IKE spisize 0 
> xforms 4 spi 0
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type ENCR id 3DES
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type INTEGR id HMAC_SHA1_96
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA1
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id MODP_1024
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload KE nextpayload NONCE critical 0x00 length 136
> ikev2_pld_ke: dh group MODP_1024 reserved 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NONCE nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 52
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP
> ikev2_nat_detection: peer source 0x35e2e7f614678913 0x0000000000000000 
> E.F.G.H:500
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP
> ikev2_nat_detection: peer destination 0x35e2e7f614678913 0x0000000000000000 
> A.B.9.73:500
> sa_state: INIT -> SA_INIT
> ikev2_sa_negotiate: score 21
> sa_stateok: SA_INIT flags 0x0000, require 0x0000 
> sa_stateflags: 0x0000 -> 0x0020 sa (required 0x0000 )
> ikev2_sa_keys: SKEYSEED with 20 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: S with 96 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T1 with 20 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T2 with 20 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T3 with 20 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T4 with 20 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T5 with 20 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T6 with 20 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T7 with 20 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: T8 with 20 bytes
> ikev2_prfplus: Tn with 160 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_d with 20 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_ai with 20 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_ar with 20 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_ei with 24 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_er with 24 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_pi with 20 bytes
> ikev2_sa_keys: SK_pr with 20 bytes
> ikev2_add_proposals: length 40
> ikev2_next_payload: length 44 nextpayload KE
> ikev2_next_payload: length 136 nextpayload NONCE
> ikev2_next_payload: length 36 nextpayload NOTIFY
> ikev2_nat_detection: local source 0x35e2e7f614678913 0x177a4400d017d93f 
> A.B.9.73:500
> ikev2_next_payload: length 28 nextpayload NOTIFY
> ikev2_nat_detection: local destination 0x35e2e7f614678913 0x177a4400d017d93f 
> E.F.G.H:500
> ikev2_next_payload: length 28 nextpayload CERTREQ
> ikev2_add_certreq: type X509_CERT length 21
> ikev2_next_payload: length 25 nextpayload NONE
> ikev2_pld_parse: header ispi 0x35e2e7f614678913 rspi 0x177a4400d017d93f 
> nextpayload SA version 0x20 exchange IKE_SA_INIT flags 0x20 msgid 0 length 
> 325 response 1
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload SA nextpayload KE critical 0x00 length 44
> ikev2_pld_sa: more 0 reserved 0 length 40 proposal #1 protoid IKE spisize 0 
> xforms 4 spi 0
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type ENCR id 3DES
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type PRF id HMAC_SHA1
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 3 reserved 0 length 8 type INTEGR id HMAC_SHA1_96
> ikev2_pld_xform: more 0 reserved 0 length 8 type DH id MODP_1024
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload KE nextpayload NONCE critical 0x00 length 136
> ikev2_pld_ke: dh group MODP_1024 reserved 0
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NONCE nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 36
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload NOTIFY critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload NOTIFY nextpayload CERTREQ critical 0x00 length 28
> ikev2_pld_notify: protoid NONE spisize 0 type NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP
> ikev2_pld_payloads: payload CERTREQ nextpayload NONE critical 0x00 length 25
> ikev2_pld_certreq: type X509_CERT length 20
> ikev2_msg_send: IKE_SA_INIT response from A.B.9.73:500 to E.F.G.H:500 msgid 
> 0, 325 bytes
> config_free_proposals: free 0x8134e000
> Generating and installing certificate for E.F.G.H doesn't make any change.
> On Sat, 27 Jan 2018 19:55:46 +0100
> Radek <alee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I have configured OpenIKED Site-to-Site VPN between two gateways:
> > serv73 - OBSD6.1, IP A.B.C.73,
> > serv75 - OBSD6.2, IP A.B.C.75.
> > I seems to work fine.
> > 
> > I'm trying to set up VPN for a few road warriors in one of these gateways. 
> > As much as it is possible authorisation should be users's IP independent. 
> > If I get it right certificate is always binded to cetrain IP so I need to 
> > use login and password authentication.
> > After spending some time with playing around that I can not find the proper 
> > configutarion.
> > I know the reason for that is a lack of certificate (I don't have any idea 
> > what cert it is) but maybe something else that I have missed or did it 
> > wrong.
> > I have read manuals but not everything is clear for me.
> > 
> > On win7 I got 809 error.
> > Client is configured as below:
> > https://hide.me/en/vpnsetup/windows7/ikev2/
> > 
> > Any help appreciated :)
> > 
> > My configs:
> > 
> > [root@@serv75/home/rdk:]iked -dv
> > ikev2_recv: IKE_SA_INIT request from initiator X.X.X.X:500 to A.B.C.75:500 
> > policy 'roadwarrior' id 0, 528 bytes
> > ikev2_msg_send: IKE_SA_INIT response from A.B.C.75:500 to X.X.X.X:500 msgid 
> > 0, 325 bytes
> > ikev2_recv: IKE_AUTH request from initiator X.X.X.X:4500 to A.B.C.75:4500 
> > policy 'roadwarrior' id 1, 764 bytes
> > ca_getreq: no valid local certificate found
> > ikev2_recv: IKE_AUTH request from initiator X.X.X.X:4500 to A.B.C.75:4500 
> > policy 'roadwarrior' id 1, 764 bytes
> > ikev2_recv: IKE_AUTH request from initiator X.X.X.X:4500 to A.B.C.75:4500 
> > policy 'roadwarrior' id 1, 764 bytes
> > 
> > 
> > root@@serv75/home/rdk:]cat /etc/iked.conf
> > remote_gw73     =     "A.B.C.73" # serv33
> > remote_lan73    =     ""
> > local_gw        =     "" # serv75
> > local_lan       =     ""
> > dns1        =     ""
> > 
> > ikev2 active esp from $local_gw to $remote_gw73 \
> > from $local_lan to $remote_lan73 peer $remote_gw73 \
> > psk "test123"
> > 
> > user "test" "pass1234"
> > ikev2 "roadwarrior" passive esp \
> >         from to \
> >         local any peer any \
> >         eap "mschap-v2" \
> >         config address \
> >         config name-server \
> >         tag "$name-$id"
> > 
> > [root@@serv75/home/rdk:]cat /etc/pf.conf
> > ext_if          = "vr0"
> > lan_if          = "vr1"            # vr1
> > lan_local       = $lan_if:network  #
> > ext_ip          = "A.B.C.75"
> > bud             = "A.B.C.0/25"
> > rdkhome_wy      = "YY.YY.YY.YY"
> > rdkhome_mon     = "XX.XX.XX.XX"
> > ssh_port        = "1071"
> > icmp_types      = "{ echoreq, unreach }"
> > table <vpn_peers> const { A.B.C.73, A.B.C.74 }
> > set skip on { lo, enc0 }
> > block return on $ext_if # block stateless traffic
> > match out log on $ext_if from $lan_local nat-to $ext_if set prio (1, 6)
> > pass in log quick inet proto tcp from { $bud, $rdkhome_wy, $rdkhome_mon} to 
> > $ext_if port $ssh_port \
> >         set prio (1, 6) keep state
> > pass out quick on egress proto esp from (egress:0) to <vpn_peers>           
> >        keep state
> > pass out quick on egress proto udp from (egress:0) to <vpn_peers> port 
> > {500, 4500} keep state
> > pass  in quick on egress proto esp from <vpn_peers> to (egress:0)           
> >        keep state
> > pass  in quick on egress proto udp from <vpn_peers> to (egress:0) port 
> > {500, 4500} keep state
> > pass out quick on trust received-on enc0 keep state
> > pass out log proto tcp set prio (1, 6) keep state
> > pass log proto udp set prio (1, 6) keep state
> > pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types set prio (1, 6) keep state
> > pass log inet proto { tcp, udp } from $lan_local to any set prio (1, 6) 
> > keep state
> > block return in on ! lo0 proto tcp to port 6000:6010
> > 
> > [root@@serv75/home/rdk:]cat /etc/hostname.vr0
> > inet A.B.C.75 NONE description "WAN75"
> > group trust
> > 
> > [root@@serv75/home/rdk:]cat /etc/hostname.vr1
> > inet NONE description "LAN75"
> > group trust
> > 
> > [root@@serv75/home/rdk:]cat /etc/hostname.enc0
> > up
> > 
> > [root@@serv75/home/rdk:]cat /etc/rc.conf.local
> > iked_flags=YES
> > ntpd_flags="-s"
> > dhcpd_flags="vr1 vr2 vr3"
> > 
> > [root@@serv75/home/rdk:]cat /etc/sysctl.conf
> > net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
> > net.inet.ipcomp.enable=1
> > net.inet.esp.enable=1
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > radek
> -- 
> radek


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