Hello Radek,

On 11/2/18 10:16 PM, Radek wrote:
Thank you for your response,

Following your suggestion I removed IP from enc0 and changed iked.conf as below:

$ cat /etc/iked.conf
dns1 = ""
dns2 = ""
ikev2 "roadWarrior" ipcomp esp \
          from to \
          local A.B.C.77 peer any \
"/C=PL/ST=ZK/L=KL/O=PK/OU=test/CN=A.B.C.77/emailAddress=t...@123.com" \
          config address \
          config netmask \
          config name-server $dns1 \
          config name-server $dns2 \
          config access-server A.B.C.77 \
          config protected-subnet \
          tag "$id"

It did not solve my problem. Clients from !A.B.C.0/23 still get 809 Error.
I know this set-up to be working, as it is currently running here in production.

I also tried another scenario: puffy_server <-> puffy_warrior
The same. My warrior also can not connect if it is !A.B.C.0/23 and it VPN works 
fine for clients from A.B.C.0/23.
Both machines are 6.3/i386.
Your set-up is still a bit 'unclear', I would rather say you have a firewall/routing problem than an IPSec problem. Error 809 means no data received.

Could you post your pf.conf?
How do you connect to networks !A.B.C.0/23
Is your IPSec connection NATed?


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