On 11/17/18 10:53, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 01:35:05AM +0100, Willi Rauffer wrote:


we want to make one logical volume out of several physical volumes, but there 
is no \
LVM (Logical Volume Manager) in OpenBSD!
Will there be a LVM in OpenBSD in the future?

Thanks...Willi Rauffer, UNOBank.org
P.S. OpenBSD's NFSv3 server and client implementation is pretty slow so
that begs the question how you are going to access that data pool.

I have an OpenBSD 6.3 NFS server, and it is able to achieve gigabit line speed no problem. I've transferred hundreds of terrabytes through that thing and it hasn't let me down once. Most of the NFS clients connected to it are CentOS 7 machines, and after a bit of fiddling, line speed was achieved without issue. The OpenBSD NFS client does seem to be a a tad slow though, and much fiddling was required to get anywhere close to line speed with it.

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