On 11/18/18 9:11 AM, Jordan Geoghegan wrote:
> On 11/17/18 10:53, Predrag Punosevac wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 01:35:05AM +0100, Willi Rauffer wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> we want to make one logical volume out of several physical volumes,
>>> but there is no \
>>> LVM (Logical Volume Manager) in OpenBSD!
>>> Will there be a LVM in OpenBSD in the future?
>>> Thanks...Willi Rauffer, UNOBank.org
>> P.S. OpenBSD's NFSv3 server and client implementation is pretty slow so
>> that begs the question how you are going to access that data pool.
> I have an OpenBSD 6.3 NFS server, and it is able to achieve gigabit line
> speed no problem. I've transferred hundreds of terrabytes through that
> thing and it hasn't let me down once. Most of the NFS clients connected
> to it are CentOS 7 machines, and after a bit of fiddling, line speed was
> achieved without issue. The OpenBSD NFS client does seem to be a a tad
> slow though, and much fiddling was required to get anywhere close to
> line speed with it.

Out of interest, could you detail some of the fiddles?

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